JG proudly offers an enriching after-school program at several Bay Area schools, where highly skilled coaches work diligently to create safe, nurturing, and enjoyable environments for children to have fun while being active. Children can engage in a wide variety of sports, navigate challenging obstacle courses and participate in many other fun and stimulating activities designed specifically to promote physical fitness, social interaction, and overall well-being.
“As a busy parent of two, having the option of an incredibly active enrichment program like Jumpin’ Gymsters at my child’s school is such a great benefit to our already busy lives. Our kids are always excited to share what they did in class.”
Ages 18 months - 2 years
Pictured: Two energetic toddlers are enthusiastically running through an obstacle course that features various elements such as balance buckets and sturdy logs. Effectively working on improving their balance and coordination.
Toddler Program
Ages 6 - 8 years
Pictured: A 1st grader carefully navigating a challenging obstacle course that specifically focuses on enhancing balance, agility, speed, and overall strength.
Elementary Program
Ages 3 - 5 years
Pictured: Two 4-year-olds joyfully engaging in Hot Dog Rolls; one child eagerly prepares to roll inside our specially designed foam cylinder affectionately called the Hot Dog, while the other uses their little arms to skillfully push it all the way to the end. We all enjoy the delightful challenge of trying hard not to laugh while rolling around!